We got the note from our publisher that Celibacy NOW is this week’s best seller! Granted, the fact that it’s new helps quite a bit, but I’m still really excited about it. Gotta celebrate the little things.
If you haven’t checked it out, click the image to go to the website and get your own! Oh and it’s set in Austin, which is pretty fun. Starting to set more stories closer to home. What I liked about this was working in a bit of religion/spirituality into the mix. It’s not heavy in there, just a light sprinkling, but I did enjoy exploring some of that a little more than we have in the past. Guess that’s just part of writing in the Bible Belt. Seems weird not to mention it at all.
So check it out and happy 4th if I don’t see you before then (but I probably will, I have another big announcement I’ll post about soon.)