Normally I don’t publicize my comings and goings, partially because I’m lazy but also because I worry that too much knowledge will tempt people to break into my home and steal myRead More…
See my interrogation; read/write political slash
The good news is that usually when I’m quiet, it means I’m writing elswhere, which is usually book-related and rarely just me smarting off at Huffinton Post peoples. At least, not for thatRead More…
Guns, they’re kinda like cars, right?
Non-violence (Håkan Dahlström) / CC BY 2.0 The gun control debate is always super debatey but what I’ve noticed a lot lately are these terrible, horrible, no good, very bad false equivalenciesRead More…
This is why we can’t have nice things
So here we go. Another mass shooting. And another opportunity to open the dialog for why gun control may not be the worst thing ever has come and will go with littleRead More…
Who’s tired of Tosh blog posts? Not me!
Much has been said about the incident between Daniel Tosh and a young woman in his audience. Whether he said, “Wouldn’t it be funny if she were raped by like 5 guys?”Read More…
Remember: everyone’s got a nemesis
This isn’t about anything going on at the moment. The last review I received was actually fairly glowing. But, with a new release out, I know (or at least i hope) someoneRead More…
I’ll Be Your Man-Coming to a shelf near you
That’s right, I’ll Be Your Man is going to print! I don’t have an exact date yet, but it will be soon! Here’s the cover flat: Richard Lynch is a 50-something executiveRead More…
Celibacy NOW is a Loose Id Bestseller
We got the note from our publisher that Celibacy NOW is this week’s best seller! Granted, the fact that it’s new helps quite a bit, but I’m still really excited about it.Read More…
Out now: Celibacy NOW m/m interracial!
In order increase his commission on a condo sale, realtor Marshall Albright accepts a bet that he can bed Luke Withers, a computer programmer and evangelizing member of a “true love waits”Read More…
Bring your child to work day: validating the childless life since inception
So, here’s the thing. I don’t like children. Even when I was a child, I was like, “These people are kind of immature.” Okay, that’s not really true. I’m okay with children.Read More…